Drop Off Exam
If your pet’s yearly wellness check does not jive with your personal or professional schedule, simply set up a drop-off exam appointment. Your pet will receive a full examination to evaluate existing medical conditions and diagnose developing problems. You can pick up your pet on your way home and receive a full health report from our team.
Comprehensive Examination Process by our doctors
The examination process by our doctors begin with a review of your pet’s health history forms and clinic paperwork, including a list of your concerns, if provided at drop-off. A physical examination is performed next to evaluate your pet’s current health status. Your vet will check your pet’s vitals and look for signs of developing medical conditions. If any problems are identified, you will have an opportunity to review the examination information and authorize diagnostic tests or treatment for your pet.
Schedule an Appointment at Upland Animal Hospital
You can schedule a drop-off appointment anytime by calling our team at (909) 982-8854. Our veterinary team is always ready to handle your emergencies, just give us a call to let us know you are on your way. We will evaluate the condition of your pet and provide the level of care required for complete recovery from minor to severe illnesses or injuries.